Sublime Mobile Apps Apps

Wellness Diary 3 FriendlyFire
This app is designed to allow the user tokeepa record of their meals and monitor their diet. Thestreamlineddesign makes for a straight-forward, intuitiveinterface, enablingthe user to get started with minimal hassle.Current Features:* Ability to record both images and text descriptions ofmeals,including the calorie count* A record of all logged meals for review* Integration with Android Wear devices, allowing the app tocountsteps taken and log daily totals* User authentication via Facebook ID* User-scheduled notifications, to remind you to recordyourmealsDo note that this app is student project, for a softwareengineeringcourse at Ohio University. While the current release isquitefunctional, improvements are underway. As such, the softwaremay notbe free of defects, and may not adequately satisfy all ofthe user'sneeds.
GitViewer 1.1.0
This App provides the users an easy way toviewthe commit information of public Git repositories simple histogram view shows the changeset size ofeach commits,and detailed commit information will show up when thebars in thehistogram is touched/clicked. The user can specify theURL of therepository that he/she would like to view. Aneasy-to-use filterfunction is provided to classify different typesof commits based onauthor, file name, and file types.
Virtual Boat OU 1.2
An educational game for the BooKS Project.Virtual Boat for Environmental Education is a game where youNavigate and conduct experiments along the Ohio River.
Nano-Studio .8
An interactive 3D virtual visualizationaid,which will allow you to view and manipulate 3D representationsofnano-scale and molecular scale structures.
Wellness Diary 1.4.2
Log your meals on your Android phone withourapp. This application will encourage and promote awareness inyourdiet, and can be used by many to monitor what you're eating onadaily basis. New features coming soon.